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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Teknisi Listrik di Jakarta Raya.
Lowongan Electrical Engineering | Lowongan Electrical Technician/Support | Lowongan Manufacturing / Productio

Mowilex started manufacturing its first paint product in Indonesia on the early March 1970. During the period, raw materials were so hard to find within the local market, causing more troubles to import almost all of them. Creating more disarray, paint suppliers had also been flooding the market from all over the world, leading to a strict market share between both local and foreign suppliers.   With dreams and ambitions to create high quality decorative paints, Mowilex continued to strive in order to be the customers' only choice for local paint product acknowledged with international quality. Thus became one of the reasons why we decided to enhance the quality of our service, by creating an adjustment towards our collection of paint products. Moreover, the allocation of our company's factory also played a giant role in enhancing our working progress and results. During 1981 to 1991, Mowilex earned complete support from Berger Paints, an internationally renowned paint producer in England. The partnership leads to several major breakthroughs in terms of quality, marketing strategy, as well as our promotional items (colour chart and packaging design for example).   Back in 1987, Mowilex took a significant step by executing a big adjustment over our paint measurement. We no longer used kilogram to measure our paint quantity, nevertheless we change it into litre. We believe that by producing cans of paint in liters, we will be able to differentiate ourselves over thousands of brands in the market who currently offering their products only in kilograms. Apart from that, Mowilex also wishes to promote the correct techniques for excellent painting results to all of our beloved customers, through special shows and exhibitions.   The year 2005 was a very awarding year for Mowilex, since at that very moment the value of Mowilex's market share were rising high towards other high quality decorative paint companies.   Nowadays, Mowilex has also been acknowledged as an international product and had been proudly used for the development of premium residences, building management, renowned hotels and apartments. Our achievements lead us to a belief that we will continuously become the market leader for the high quality decorative paint companies in Indonesia.

Teknisi Listrik
Jakarta Raya


  • Domisili Jakarta Barat
  • Pengalaman Minimal 1 tahun pengalaman kerja dibidang listrik
  • Pendidikan minimal SMK

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    Lowongan Kerja ini dipasang Tgl: 20-5-13 | Ditutup Tgl: 19-6-13

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